Scrap Metal Prices South Dakota

Selling Scrap Metal in South Dakota? It is important to Know The Price Per Pound or KG before selling to a Scrap Yard. This ensures you get the best price for your metal when you actually sell it. As many Scrap Yards will and can offer you what every they like although a reputable Scrap Yard in South Dakota will pay their best scrap metal prices per pound to each and every customer. Check today’s scrap metal price/value on our scrap metal price calculator.

Scrap Metals are bought and sold daily in South Dakota, the most popular metals are Steel, Aluminium, Copper, Lead, Iron, Steel, Nickel, Tin, Brass and Titanium. Although some scrap yards in South Dakota will purchase the more rare metals such as Cobalt, Mercury, Tungsten, Beryllium, Bismuth, Gallium, Indium, Cerium, Lithium, Cadmium, Tantalum, Niobium and Zirconium. You are probably best phoning before heading to a scrap yard with a quantity of rare and exotic metals, in fact you are best contacting any scrap yard before you visit them, simply to confirm their scrap metal buying prices per Pound/KG. This way you can compare prices offered from local scrap yards around South Dakota.

Scrap Metal Prices Per Pound South Dakota

Scrap Steel

Scrap Aluminium

Scrap Lead

Scrap Iron

Scrap Copper

Copper Wire Price Per Pound

Stainless Steel


Scrap Metal Prices South Dakota USA